Laura Jarboe

Laura Jarboe is a CBiRC affiliate and a professor (Cargill Professor) in the Iowa State University Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, where she also leads the Jarboe Group. Learn more about Dr. Jarboe and her work at Iowa State University in her departmental profile.

Research Interests

  • Substrate or product tolerance in bacteria
  • Fermentation of biomass-derived sugars
  • Reverse engineering evolved bacteria
  • Soil attachment by bacteria


Dr. Jarboe received her Ph.D. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles (2006), and her B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Kentucky (2000). In addition, Dr. Jarboe served as a Postdoc (Microbiology &Cell Science) at the University of Florida (2006-2008).